Wizard's demise
(The game ends when the wizard is slain. Although nothing indicates it in-game, there is no content beyond that point)
I didn't intend to publish this game when I started the project. I went into it completely blind, adding features that I was interested in learning how to implement, in order to gain experience that I could use to build a proper game in the future. A few days ago, I decided to string together the different features I had implemented to try and build a short game, so that I could publish it and get some feedback.
I started my game development journey slightly over two months ago, and publishing my first "game" feels surreal. I'm incredibly happy that I was talked into combining the different elements of the game before moving on to a different project!
I have some project ideas that I'm excited to work on next, so I don't think I'll be continuing the development of this game, at least for the time being.
The game takes 15-20 minutes to finish.
Tilemap - https://opengameart.org/content/whispers-of-avalon-grassland-tileset
Slime - https://rvros.itch.io/pixel-art-animated-slime
Wizard - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/evil-wizard-168007
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